Tips To Rank No. 1 In Google

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Friends we all want to rank our Websites on the 1st page of Google but it seems to be a mystery. Today we will look at 10 SURESHOT Tips to Rank No.1 in Google.

1. Add images, Multimedia and Visuals in your post

Google is looking to enhance the experience of its visitors and by showing them graphics the visitors understand the subject better so Google will see this in your content and if your overall content has images, multimedia and visuals it will surely rank your page higher on its search engine.

2. Use External Links in your Post

If your post has links pointing to external website which has good content or relevant content which will enhance the visitor experience on your website then Google will know this and surely rank you on top.

3. Use Internal Links in your Post

Like external links , internal links also play an important role in ranking your website higher in Google search. If due to the internal links the website visitor stays longer on your website then Google will know that it is a relevant internal link which in what the visitor is looking for in the search and will hence rank your website higher.

4. Make your Content immensely Actionable

If your website visitor clicks on the links on your website page then Google will surely know that the visitor has got what he was searching for on Google. So the more the links the visitor clicks the better so keep many relevant links in your post for higher ranking.

5.Highly click optimized Title

Your Title should be such that the visitor should be tempted to click it immediately and Google will immediately know seeing how many times the Title is clicked that it is a relevant search with regards to the keyword used by the visitor and so it will rank the post higher in search results.

6. Use Google suggestion keywords in your post

If you are using the keywords in your content which people are looking for in Google search box then your article is sureshot going to rank higher in search rankings so try to use the Google suggestion keywords in your content as much as possible.

7. Use Social media Shareable buttons in posts

If the visitor likes your content and shares it on the social media then Google will notice this and rank your content higher getting the relevance from the number of shares on social media so if you use shareable buttons in your post it makes it easy for the visitor to share the content and automatically your page will rank higher.

8. Use Properly Optimized content 

If you keep in view the website visitor point of view then you should first show him the outcome, then the befits and then the preview of the page in the content, the content should be properly optimized so that it makes it easy for the visitor to understand the purpose of the content on the page and he will enjoy the stay on your website which Google will surely observe to rank the page higher.

9. Comments are important

Google will see how your visitors are reciprocating to the content by their comments also so keep the communication with your visitors open and amicable and do respond to their queries if any which will help the page to rank high.

10. Promote your content effectively

Google will also look for areas where your content is visible to the world, if you are promoting the content in places where it is relevant then Google will immediately pick up on the popularity of the page and will rank the website higher so promotion is necessary after all the above steps to rank the page higher in Google.

I hope you must have got an idea on how you can rank your pages higher in Google now so just take action and you will see the results soon.

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