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For a business owner, taking up their idea (website) online sometimes require more efforts than defining business goals. Why? Because the majority of the companies find it difficult to choose between an ideal platform for their business website. We have seen that people are discussing WordPress and Static HTML as a perfect solution to this subject.
Both WordPress and Static HTML have their pros and cons; however, the use for each may vary depending on the business needs. In this article, we will unfold WordPress vs HTML comparison to help you choose the right platform. So before moving forward, let’s quickly give a brief about WordPress CMS and Static HTML.
Launched in 2003, WordPress took the Internet like a storm. It is an open source software written in PHP language. In the early days, WordPress CMS was only known as a blogging platform, but later it has served millions of websites and coined as one of the most popular and powerful CMS.
WordPress holds a high market share in the CMS industry. As per the stats, over 75 million websites are hosted on WordPress, which is 26% of all the available sites on the Internet. There are various reasons why WordPress is so famous, and among that flexibility, administrative control, and the easy-to-use dashboard is the most striking features. The best part we love about WordPress is that even a non-technical person can also operate it.
Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages that come with WordPress.
Talking about benefits, WordPress clearly outranks other available CMS in the market. It is simple, easy to use, and comes with great flexibility.
WordPress CMS is built on a very strong framework. It allows businesses to use pre-installed features, which can also be extended with the use of plugins. In addition to this, businesses can also add more functionalities to their website as WordPress website is highly customizable with little or no limitations.
One of the reasons why WordPress dominates in the market is because of its ease-to-use dashboard. With WordPress, you don’t need to go in the process of hiring a developer. All you need is a simple login and then you can create as many pages you want. Also, WP updates are more regular – so you will always be seeing new fixes and patches for your framework. It’s also a minute job to update your WordPress website.
For someone who is less technical, WordPress is a heaven on earth (Internet). When you go to WordPress market, you will find thousands of free and premium templates with one-click installation. Professionals develop Those themes and plugins, and WordPress takes great care of best things go live.
WordPress provides complete control of your website. Even the little information of your site can be easily managed and updated from the dashboard. The best part is that there is no limitation on the attempts. You can upload and update as much information on your website. Whether you start small or developed business over the time, WordPress gives you the same liberty to enjoy the intuitive interface with full control.
Every business wants to rank high on search engine, especially on Google, right? Well, the best part is that WordPress CMS platform is SEO-friendly also. Although you can work on dynamic web pages also, still WordPress code is optimized to give a boost to your search engine rankings. Even Matt Cutts also praised WordPress for being a perfect SEO-optimized platform.
WordPress has built on PHP, which means it can create dynamic web pages for your website. Dynamic websites are always good for business as you don’t need to create different versions of pages – the server technology (PHP) dynamically build and load/serve different pages.
You will hardly find a strong reason not to move to WordPress, but there are few concerns that people sometimes experience with WordPress.
Although WordPress releases regular updates, those are not automatically done. Whenever there is a new update, you will have to navigate your Dashboard to perform it. This is good when you are using a plugin which is not compatible with the new WordPress version.
For this, you can go with a managed WordPress hosting provider that can perform regular updates for you. We recommend WPEngine and Bluehost as their support is fantastic and they always keep you posted with the latest updates.
If you are new to WordPress platform, you may find some of the options a bit difficult to perform. You can learn WordPress with easy tutorials, or you can simply browse the support section of WordPress where professionals and experts will answer all your questions.
It is those websites which are made with HTML markup language. Static web pages, also known as flat page use HTML markup and other scripting languages to create a website. In a static HTML site, each page will carry its own file and every time a user intends to visit a web page; the single file will fetch information.
Static HTML web pages are useful if you have a small website that doesn’t require updates. If you are not, then you need to hire a web developer to manage the code for you. Regarding cost, static HTML websites are much cheaper if your business doesn’t demand changes (which is not the case always), however, if regular changes are required, then HTML websites would cost you more as hiring a developer can only help you with it.
We have already enlightened the features and capabilities offered by both WordPress and HTML, now let’s put both WordPress vs HTML in comparison to see which platform works better in what scenario.
Note: We have analyzed and tested both the platforms on the below criteria – and ranked each of them based on our findings.
WordPress apparently gets an edge over static HTML when it comes to flexibility. With its ease of use feature, you can smartly create and manage content in few clicks. WordPress flexibility also allows business owners to create dynamic content, and that too without the need of any tech person.
However, with HTML, first, you would need HTML knowledge to write or edit the codes. And if you are not a tech guy, then you would need to hire a developer to do the job for you. So if you are sure that you would not need to update your website (which is rare), then go for Static HTML, otherwise, invest on WordPress as it will give you more options to beautify your business and website.
Winner: WordPress
For a company which is tight on budget and have fewer requirements, static HTML websites are good option as they are cheaper to develop. On the other hand, WordPress hosted sites need a MySQL database and PHP support that requires a maintenance cost. But if you have long-term goals with your business then investing few dollars are worth it. And for this reason, WordPress websites are a perfect choice.
Winner: Both
Security is always important irrespective of the size of your business. It is found that many business owners fail to take this point into consideration while choosing between WordPress and static HTML. The issue comes with both of them. However, certain preventions can minify the risk.
In the past, WordPress websites were reported to be easily cracked down by many hackers. The major reason that was found is when webmasters fail to update the version of WordPress website. For this, investing in a managed WordPress hosting is an ideal solution.
On the other hand, Static HTML websites are less vulnerable but can be compromised if any loops are open in the JavaScript file.
In general, both WordPress and Static HTML website can be compromised if right preventions were not taken out. We recommend WPEngine when it comes to WordPress, as they are most updated solution provider when it comes to WordPress security. For static sites, developers should not leave any nodes open for hackers.
Winner: WordPress with managed hosting
WordPress stands out when we talk about community and forum. They have hosted a very engaging forum and support community where you can get answers to all your queries, and issues if experienced. The community members are highly professional and expert in the field, and always humble to help you out with anything.
On the other hand, you will always need hands-on knowledge and experience to understand the technical parts of HTML. Alternatively, you would require a developer to help you out with everything.
Winner: WordPress
We hope that the above WordPress vs Static HTML comparison highlights all the questions and concerns you may have. Considering the demands of businesses, we recommend site owners to move to WordPress as this can save both time and money. For many instances, static HTML can work for your business, but in the long term, you will always find WordPress as an ideal solution for your business website.
To start with WordPress, all you need is to sign up on WordPress and get a good managed WordPress hosting. It is ideal to have same company host and managed your WordPress website to avoid follow-ups and requests.